NATO’s Final Frontier – Space?

It appears that The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has agreed, at least in spirit, that space is a military ‘operational domain’ and decisions in the future should be made accordingly. This is a sharp contrast to the thinking decades ago, where European Space Agency’s (ESA) 22-members had stated that space ‘must’ remain non-militarized, even as the U.S. and Russians continued to covertly plan for the future wars in space, or use of space assets for dual purpose – instruments of experimentation and weapons of war. What changed? After all, the Russians and Americans both participated along with Europe, Japan and other nations in the ISS (International Space Station). Most all developed and even some less-than-developed nations have communication satellites. China has a robust space program, India too. After the cold-war with Russia we learned of secret and not so secret U.S. and Russian space weapons projects. Since then both China and India have downed their own satellites ...