Russian Cyber Security Threats Far From Over

Every American Citizen, every large corporation, and every government agency down to the local level has in some way been affected by cyber hacking. Today, we are aware of the threat personally and we go out of our way to protect our personal information. Still, that doesn’t mean someone we do business with that has our personal data won’t fall victim to a cyber hack or attack. Regardless of what you believe the cyber hacking risks are, it is a present danger. It’s a reality. We’ve all heard by the media that Russia hacked our last presidential election , and while there is a lot of dispute about what actually happened in the Democratic National Committee hack, the incident does show the vulnerability to our most sacred trust – our free and fair elections. We don’t need to enumerate the endless times our personal financial data or at least our personal information has gotten into the hands of cybercriminals – we all remember the big Target Stores hack and the Experian Credit Agency ...