Russia Needs to Be Held Accountable for Chemical Weapons Usage

Russian anti-corruption activist and political opposition leader Alexei Navalny was recently poisoned by a rare nerve agent while residing in Russia. Alexei survived, and his health has recovered enough for him to shed light on what happened to the rest of the world. Alexei is demanding that Russia be held accountable for its corruption, human rights abuses, and the ignoring of the rule of law. Alexei posted a blog post describing the attempted assassination by Russia, and is demanding a call to action in response to the Russian government’s corruption, chemical weapons use, and terror tactics. The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) treaty of 1993 signaled the international community’s stance against the use of chemical weapons, but so far has not been effective in deterring its illegal usage. According to leading researchers on Russian foreign policy Russia’s use of chemical weapons, such as in the case of this failed assassination attempt, highlights the failure of the CWC a...