The Russian Propaganda War in the Americas
As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues, another front in the war between Russia’s authoritarian allies versus the Western world has been going on for some time. The propaganda battle has been ongoing in Latin America for years. A trio of media networks controlled by Russia and Iran has built a popular following among Spanish speakers. These networks peddle a misinformation narrative that aims to delegitimize the West and portray Russia, Iran, and other authoritarian regimes as a counter-imperialist force that supports worldwide democracy. This narrative may seem laughable to many in the West, but about 500 million Spanish speakers within Latin America and the United States follow these authoritarian-backed news sources. According to foreign policy experts such as Clifford D. May , these propaganda news outlets include TelesSur, Russia Today, and HispanTV. This trio of news platforms began emerging back in 2005 and has gained a sizable following since. The misinformation narrat...