It would be incorrect to assume Russia shares an interest with the United States to ensure Iran does not obtain nuclear weapons.

This assumption is fraught with errors. A nuclear capability for Iran will be an asset for Russia in their efforts to halt the United States from intervening in the Middle East as Russia and Iran work together to conquer and control more of the region.

Russia has already conquered parts of Georgia, taken Crimea, and is now trying to conquer all of Ukraine. However, Russia’s foreign policy goals are not limited to the conquest of Ukraine and Europe. Over the past several years, Russia has been working together with Iran and the Syrian dictator Assad to dominate the Middle East. Russia has been responsible for the destruction of entire towns and the deaths of large civilian populations in Syria. Both Russia and Tehran share the goal of deterring the United States and the West from interfering with their continued Middle Eastern conquest. An Iranian regime with a nuclear deterrent would allow Putin and Tehran to fully dominate the region.

Biden’s current negotiations with Iran are building a weaker deal than the 2015 Joint comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). In effect, the arrangement being discussed today in Vienna would provide Iran with greater economic relief and fewer actual restrictions on its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile development compared to the JCPOA. The Iranian government is a regime that openly publishes rhetoric calling for death to America and death to Israel. Any deal that would effectively allow Tehran to develop nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them at range should be met with concern.

Even Russia’s envoy to the United States-Iran negotiations, Mikhail Ulyanov, agrees with this assessment. Ulyanov stated that he believes Iran got more than was expected. Reports from the Foundation for Defence of Democracies (FDD) indicate that Biden’s new arrangement would provide Tehran with billions of dollars and nuclear power plants from Russia. The ongoing negotiations have been characterized by a non-comprising stance from Iran and a continually compromising stance from the Americans.

Even worse, Biden’s new Iran agreement won’t be submitted to Congress as a formal treaty. According to international relations researchers at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), instead, President Biden is looking for a different way for the agreement to become permanent so that it cannot be reversed by a future president. This should be a huge concern. If Biden is successful in creating a mechanism to determine foreign policy and effectively create treaties without the legally required congressional approval, congress in the United States will be diminished, and the executive branch’s power will be increased.

The Biden administration is on a path to help American adversaries, and harm friends at home and abroad. Any plan that will empower Iran and Russia over the United States and the west is a poor deal. Moreover, attempting to create a precedent where congress can be ignored in creating what are effectively treaties is dangerous to the United States political system. The current plan with Iran is even worse than the JCPOA was.

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